
Nerk Pirtz 04-08-2023
Nerk Pirtz

eleusis 和希腊神话

通过研究雅典的现代地图,可以确定埃莱乌西斯工业郊区的位置。 埃莱乌西斯位于萨罗尼克湾的最北端,近几十年来已发展成为希腊石油和燃料的主要入境点。


埃莱乌斯之所以重要,是因为它与希腊女神 得墨忒耳 因为在埃琉西斯,人们举行了埃琉西斯神秘仪式。


德墨忒尔是希腊神话中的奥林匹斯十二神之一,但她的崇拜早于希腊宗教习俗的兴起。 德墨忒尔本质上是古代希腊人非常崇敬的农业女神。

希腊神话中最有名的德墨忒尔女神的故事围绕着女神寻找她失踪的女儿珀尔塞福涅展开。 阴间 因为哈迪斯想娶珀耳塞福涅为妻。



但埃勒俄西斯的人们并没有看到奥林匹斯女神,他们只是看到了一位名叫多索的老妇人。 不过,与得墨忒耳旅行的其他地方不同,这位老妇人受到了欢迎。 在埃勒俄西斯,国王塞勒俄斯的女儿们甚至把她带到了王宫,让她休养生息。

为了报答她的好客,得墨忒耳决定让塞琉斯的幼子得墨封长生不老,她打算烧掉得墨封的灵魂(这与阿喀琉斯神话的相似之处显而易见)。 不过,塞琉斯发现了 "老妇人 "的中计,一想到自己的儿子会受到伤害,他当然无比愤怒。

珀尔塞福涅的归来 - 弗雷德里克-莱顿(1830-1896 年) - PD-art-100



完工后,得墨忒耳离开了宫殿,将神庙作为自己的新家,并承诺在找到失踪女儿的下落之前不会离开。 由于得墨忒耳拒绝从事任何农业活动,一场大饥荒蔓延到世界各地,人们开始挨饿。

See_also: 希腊神话大全 X


最后,宙斯不得不向他的妹妹揭露了 珀耳塞福涅 后来,当母女俩在一起时,庄稼就会生长,而当她们分开时,庄稼就会停止生长。


See_also: 女神


德墨忒尔还让国王塞勒斯(Celeus)成为她在埃勒俄西斯(Eleusis)的第一位神庙祭司,女神将向他和其他早期祭司传授神圣的仪式,使皈依者得以繁衍生息。 这些仪式还将给皈依者带来希望,使他们能够与那些去了来世的人幸福团聚,就像德墨忒尔与她的女儿团聚一样。



埃利乌西尼神秘仪式从一开始就很重要,但当埃利乌西尼实际上成为其更大更强大的邻居雅典的郊区时,它的名声和规模也随之扩大。 埃利乌西尼和雅典的每个人都有机会入会,无论男女、公民还是奴隶。


仪式的第一部分在伊利索斯河畔的小镇阿格拉(Agrae)举行,时间是安泰斯特里翁月(二月/三月)。 这部分仪式被称为 更少的神秘 这是一种仪式,旨在确定潜在的入门者是否有资格进一步了解奥秘。


六个月后,在波德罗米翁(Boedromion)月(九月/十月)期间 更大的奥秘 仪式的这一部分将持续一周。

Eleusinian 的祭司会进行布道,入门者会洁净自己,然后从雅典游行到 Eleusis。 在此期间不能进食,但随后会在 Eleusis 举行盛宴。

在大秘境的最后一幕中,入门者将进入埃莱乌西斯的入门大厅,这是一个圣殿,里面有一个神圣的箱子。 人们相信,在大厅里的人会看到强大的幻象,可能是使用迷幻剂带来的。 不过,没有人确切知道在埃莱乌西尼神秘仪式的最后阶段发生了什么,因为没有书面记录入门者要发誓保密,如果违背誓言就会被处死。

在埃勒俄西斯波塞冬庆典上的菲林 - Nikolay Pavlenko - PD-art-


埃利乌西尼神秘仪式延续了 2000 年之久,随着罗马国力的增强,这种仪式也被纳入了帝国的宗教仪式中。 不过,这种仪式最终开始衰落。 在马库斯-奥勒留统治时期,埃利乌西尼被萨尔马特人洗劫(约公元 170 年),不过皇帝还是出资重建了德墨忒耳神庙。

公元 379 年,罗马帝国皇帝狄奥多西一世下令关闭所有异教遗址,公元 395 年,哥特人阿拉里克统治下的西哥特人横扫该地区,埃莱乌斯几乎被摧毁。

埃利乌斯大殿 - Carole Raddato,来自德国法兰克福 - CC-BY-SA-2.0

Nerk Pirtz

Nerk Pirtz is a passionate writer and researcher with a deep fascination for Greek mythology. Born and raised in Athens, Greece, Nerk's childhood was filled with tales of gods, heroes, and ancient legends. From a young age, Nerk was captivated by the power and splendor of these stories, and this enthusiasm grew stronger over the years.After completing a degree in Classical Studies, Nerk dedicated themselves to exploring the depths of Greek mythology. Their insatiable curiosity led them on countless quests through ancient texts, archaeological sites, and historical records. Nerk traveled extensively across Greece, venturing into remote corners to uncover forgotten myths and untold stories.Nerk's expertise is not just limited to the Greek pantheon; they have also delved into the interconnections between Greek mythology and other ancient civilizations. Their thorough research and in-depth knowledge have bestowed them with a unique perspective on the subject, illuminating lesser-known aspects and shedding new light on well-known tales.As a seasoned writer, Nerk Pirtz aims to share their profound understanding and love for Greek mythology with a global audience. They believe that these ancient tales are not mere folklore but timeless narratives that reflect humanity's eternal struggles, desires, and dreams. Through their blog, Wiki Greek Mythology, Nerk aims to bridge the gapbetween the ancient world and the modern reader, making the mythical realms accessible to all.Nerk Pirtz is not only a prolific writer but also a captivating storyteller. Their narratives are rich in detail, vividly bringing the gods, goddesses, and heroes to life. With each article, Nerk invites readers on an extraordinary journey, allowing them to immerse themselves in the enchanting world of Greek mythology.Nerk Pirtz's blog, Wiki Greek Mythology, serves as a valuable resource for scholars, students, and enthusiasts alike, offering a comprehensive and reliable guide to the fascinating world of Greek gods. In addition to their blog, Nerk has also authored several books, sharing their expertise and passion in printed form. Whether through their writing or public speaking engagements, Nerk continues to inspire, educate, and captivate audiences with their unrivaled knowledge of Greek mythology.