
Nerk Pirtz 04-08-2023
Nerk Pirtz


萨尔佩顿不一定是希腊神话中最著名的名字,但这个名字却出现在古希腊几个著名故事的外围。 不过,究竟有多少个独立的萨尔佩顿却存在疑问。

在希腊神话中,多个人物同名的情况并不少见;例如,在克里特岛,阿斯特里翁是克里特岛的国王,他与欧罗巴结婚,但这也是 "欧罗巴 "的名字。 牛头人 .

在这种情况下,很明显有两个截然不同的人物,但在米诺斯的情况下就不那么清楚了。 一些资料明确指出克里特岛只有一个国王,但另一些资料则区分了祖父和孙子、一个公正的国王和一个邪恶的国王。


第一个 Sarpedon


宙斯将美丽的欧罗巴从她的故乡提尔岛劫持到克里特岛,并将她变成一头公牛。 宙斯和欧罗巴在一棵柏树下完成了他们的爱情,随后他们生下了三个儿子。 欧洲 米诺斯、拉达曼索斯和萨尔佩顿。

See_also: 希腊神话中的 Tiphys


米诺斯得到了波塞冬的眷顾,最终平息了这场争执;为了避免今后再发生冲突,另外两兄弟被放逐出克里特岛。 拉达曼托斯将前往波欧提亚,而萨耳佩顿将前往米利亚斯,这块土地后来被改名为利西亚。 萨耳佩顿被封为利西亚国王。



Hypnos 和 Thanatos 抱着 Sarpedon - 亨利-福塞利(1741-1825 年) PD-art-100

第二个 Sarpedon



这种人物关系的调和使萨尔佩顿名义上成为伊万德和劳达米亚(或德伊达米亚)的儿子,因此也是第一个萨尔佩顿和贝勒罗丰的孙子。 不过,为了使故事具有连续性,这个萨尔佩顿并不是伊万德的真正儿子,因为宙斯与劳达米亚上床生下了这个孩子。

当萨尔佩顿的叔父和堂兄弟们撤回对王位的要求时,萨尔佩顿将登上利西亚的王位;事实上,应该是萨尔佩顿的堂兄弟 格劳克斯 他理所当然是利西亚王位的继承人。

See_also: 希腊神话中的阿丽亚涅





宙斯曾想过拯救自己的儿子萨尔佩顿,但包括赫拉在内的其他诸神都指出,他们自己的许多孩子都在特洛伊战斗和牺牲,于是宙斯妥协了,没有干涉。 萨尔佩顿因此被帕特洛克罗斯杀死。

格拉乌斯冲破阿喀亚军队的重重包围,夺回了他堂兄的尸体,尽管当时利西亚国王的盔甲已被剥落。 后来众神介入,阿波罗将清洗萨尔佩顿的尸体,然后是尼克斯的儿子们、 催眠术 塔纳托斯会把尸体运回利西亚,完成葬礼仪式。

Sarpedon Carried - 亨利-利奥波德-列维(法国,1840-1904 年) PD-art-100

第三个 Sarpedon

萨尔佩顿这个名字确实在希腊神话中再次出现过,其中最著名的是在 藻类 尽管这个 Sarpedon 与前两个没有关系。

希腊英雄赫拉克勒斯在返回蒂林斯的途中,成功地获得了第九条希波吕忒腰带。 劳工 在埃努斯城附近的色雷斯海岸登陆。

当时,波塞冬的儿子波尔提斯统治着埃努斯。 埃努斯有个兄弟名叫萨尔佩顿,在赫拉克勒斯短暂停留色雷斯期间,他对赫拉克勒斯极为无礼。 赫拉克勒斯为了报复,在离开色雷斯海岸时,拿起弓箭射死了萨尔佩顿。


阿波罗和萨尔佩顿 - 让-西蒙-贝泰勒米(1743-1811 年) - PD-art-100

Nerk Pirtz

Nerk Pirtz is a passionate writer and researcher with a deep fascination for Greek mythology. Born and raised in Athens, Greece, Nerk's childhood was filled with tales of gods, heroes, and ancient legends. From a young age, Nerk was captivated by the power and splendor of these stories, and this enthusiasm grew stronger over the years.After completing a degree in Classical Studies, Nerk dedicated themselves to exploring the depths of Greek mythology. Their insatiable curiosity led them on countless quests through ancient texts, archaeological sites, and historical records. Nerk traveled extensively across Greece, venturing into remote corners to uncover forgotten myths and untold stories.Nerk's expertise is not just limited to the Greek pantheon; they have also delved into the interconnections between Greek mythology and other ancient civilizations. Their thorough research and in-depth knowledge have bestowed them with a unique perspective on the subject, illuminating lesser-known aspects and shedding new light on well-known tales.As a seasoned writer, Nerk Pirtz aims to share their profound understanding and love for Greek mythology with a global audience. They believe that these ancient tales are not mere folklore but timeless narratives that reflect humanity's eternal struggles, desires, and dreams. Through their blog, Wiki Greek Mythology, Nerk aims to bridge the gapbetween the ancient world and the modern reader, making the mythical realms accessible to all.Nerk Pirtz is not only a prolific writer but also a captivating storyteller. Their narratives are rich in detail, vividly bringing the gods, goddesses, and heroes to life. With each article, Nerk invites readers on an extraordinary journey, allowing them to immerse themselves in the enchanting world of Greek mythology.Nerk Pirtz's blog, Wiki Greek Mythology, serves as a valuable resource for scholars, students, and enthusiasts alike, offering a comprehensive and reliable guide to the fascinating world of Greek gods. In addition to their blog, Nerk has also authored several books, sharing their expertise and passion in printed form. Whether through their writing or public speaking engagements, Nerk continues to inspire, educate, and captivate audiences with their unrivaled knowledge of Greek mythology.