希腊神话中的 Boreas

Nerk Pirtz 04-08-2023
Nerk Pirtz


希腊神话中出现的许多诸神都是自然事件的化身。 其中一个化身就是希腊神话中的冬神和北风之神--博雷阿斯。



阿斯特拉伊奥斯被认为是两个儿子的父亲,即五个游荡之星(Astra Planeta)和四个风神(Anemoi),因此伯利亚斯是风神之一。

因此,Boreas 是北风,Zephyrus 是西风、 诺图斯 而较少被提及的 Eurus 则是东风。





在最古老的故事中,博瑞阿斯居住在色雷斯,古希腊人认为色雷斯包括塞萨利以北的地区。 在这里,博瑞阿斯要么居住在山洞里,要么居住在华丽的宫殿里;有人说博瑞阿斯的家就在 Haemus Mons(巴尔干山脉)上。




See_also: 希腊神话中的 Thersander

奥莉西娅是雅典公主,是埃瑞克瑟斯国王的女儿。 Orithyia 但他拒绝了风神的追求。

Boreas and Oreithyia - 伊夫林-德-摩根(1855-1919 年) - PD-art-100




泽特斯和加莱在希腊神话中声名显赫,因为这对通常被称作 "波雷兹 "的人是 "宙斯号 "上的船员。 阿尔戈 .


其他偶尔被命名为波雷亚斯的孩子还包括微风仙女 Aurai,尽管这些仙女通常被归类为奥西努斯的女儿;被狄俄尼索斯弄疯的兄弟 Butes 和 Lycurgus,以及自大的色雷斯国王 Haemus。

Boreas 所产的马匹


在特罗德河上,伯莱亚斯飞越了一些马匹。 埃里克索尼国王 这些马以行动敏捷而闻名,能穿过麦田而不折断麦穗。

这些不朽的马匹将通过家族传承下去,直到特洛伊国王劳麦冬拥有它们。 这些马匹,或者说在甘尼米德被绑架后得到报酬的马匹,后来被赫拉克勒斯以完成工作为由索要。

博雷阿斯的其他马类后代包括阿瑞斯的四匹马(Hippoi Areioi),这四匹马分别被命名为 Aithon、Phlogios、Konabos 和 Phobos,它们拉着阿瑞斯神的战车。

埃瑞克瑟斯的两匹不死之马,桑托斯和波达尔塞斯,也被认为是博瑞阿斯的孩子,是其中一个女妖所生。 这两匹马是博瑞阿斯送给国王的,作为绑架国王女儿的补偿。



在希腊神话中,Hyperborea 是一个天堂般的国度,相当于古希腊的香格里拉,那里阳光普照,人们可以活到 1000 岁,生活幸福美满。

See_also: 希腊神话大全 J


人们认为 Hyperborean 的居民是 Boreas 的后裔,在许多古代文献中被称为巨人,身高达 3 米。



两位风神听到了阿喀琉斯的恳求。 光圈 他首先点燃了葬礼的火堆,然后让它持续燃烧了好几个小时。

在《伊索寓言》的北风和太阳的故事中,也出现了 Boreas。

在风神和太阳神赫利俄斯之间的较量中,为了找出谁是最强大的,博雷阿斯试图强行脱掉一名旅行者的衣服,而 太阳神 赫利俄斯的劝说最终胜过博雷阿斯的武力。

历史和神话相结合,产生了第三个著名的关于博瑞阿斯的故事:当薛西斯国王的舰队停泊在塞皮亚斯附近时,狂风大作,400 艘波斯船只被吹沉。 随后,雅典人赞颂博瑞阿斯的干预。

J-B Oudry 为《拉封丹寓言》绘制的插图,1729/34- PD-life-70

Nerk Pirtz

Nerk Pirtz is a passionate writer and researcher with a deep fascination for Greek mythology. Born and raised in Athens, Greece, Nerk's childhood was filled with tales of gods, heroes, and ancient legends. From a young age, Nerk was captivated by the power and splendor of these stories, and this enthusiasm grew stronger over the years.After completing a degree in Classical Studies, Nerk dedicated themselves to exploring the depths of Greek mythology. Their insatiable curiosity led them on countless quests through ancient texts, archaeological sites, and historical records. Nerk traveled extensively across Greece, venturing into remote corners to uncover forgotten myths and untold stories.Nerk's expertise is not just limited to the Greek pantheon; they have also delved into the interconnections between Greek mythology and other ancient civilizations. Their thorough research and in-depth knowledge have bestowed them with a unique perspective on the subject, illuminating lesser-known aspects and shedding new light on well-known tales.As a seasoned writer, Nerk Pirtz aims to share their profound understanding and love for Greek mythology with a global audience. They believe that these ancient tales are not mere folklore but timeless narratives that reflect humanity's eternal struggles, desires, and dreams. Through their blog, Wiki Greek Mythology, Nerk aims to bridge the gapbetween the ancient world and the modern reader, making the mythical realms accessible to all.Nerk Pirtz is not only a prolific writer but also a captivating storyteller. Their narratives are rich in detail, vividly bringing the gods, goddesses, and heroes to life. With each article, Nerk invites readers on an extraordinary journey, allowing them to immerse themselves in the enchanting world of Greek mythology.Nerk Pirtz's blog, Wiki Greek Mythology, serves as a valuable resource for scholars, students, and enthusiasts alike, offering a comprehensive and reliable guide to the fascinating world of Greek gods. In addition to their blog, Nerk has also authored several books, sharing their expertise and passion in printed form. Whether through their writing or public speaking engagements, Nerk continues to inspire, educate, and captivate audiences with their unrivaled knowledge of Greek mythology.