希腊神话中的 Automedon

Nerk Pirtz 04-08-2023
Nerk Pirtz


Automedon 是特洛伊战争中阿喀亚军队的一员。 Automedon 出现在荷马史诗中。 伊利亚特 以及其他古代资料。

See_also: 希腊神话中的米尔米顿


与《阿喀琉斯王传》中出现的其他阿喀琉斯英雄不同,阿莫米顿出身并不高贵。 伊利亚特 虽然奥马顿被称为迪奥瑞斯之子,但荷马只称他为战车手。

后来由希吉尼乌斯(Hyginius)撰写的一份资料赋予了奥姆尼顿更崇高的地位,他在《船舶目录》中称,奥姆尼顿曾将 10 艘船从斯克罗斯带到特洛伊。


阿莫米顿可能只是一名战车驭手,但他是希腊最伟大的英雄之一阿喀琉斯的战车驭手。 因此,阿莫米顿的工作就是给阿喀琉斯的两匹不死之马--巴利乌斯和桑托斯套上枷锁。

奥姆美顿可能是阿喀琉斯的战车驾驶员,但他也把阿喀琉斯人的利益放在第一位,因为当阿喀琉斯似乎要为了他对波吕克塞纳的爱而轻举妄动时,奥姆美顿就会告诉帕特洛克罗斯和他的朋友们:"阿喀琉斯,你是我的朋友。 阿贾克斯大帝 这样他们就可以监视阿喀琉斯了。

阿喀琉斯之马的奥美顿 - 亨利-雷诺(1843-1871) - PD-art-100


在阿喀琉斯退出战斗、阿喀琉斯人陷入困境的时候,奥马顿出现了。 虽然阿喀琉斯允许 帕特洛克罗斯 于是,帕特洛克罗斯和他的战车骑士奥姆梅登一起上阵。

在阿波罗的干预下,帕特洛克罗斯被厄弗尔巴斯击中,然后被赫克托耳杀死,帕特洛克罗斯从战车上摔下身亡。 由于巴利乌斯和桑托斯在战斗中逃跑,阿莫米顿无能为力,尽管阿莫米顿做出了努力,但他们不会再参加战斗,因为巴利乌斯和桑托斯正在悼念帕特洛克罗斯,尽管宙斯最终进行了干预。

奥美顿和阿喀琉斯的战车再次投入战斗,奥美顿杀死了阿喀琉斯之子阿瑞托斯。 普里阿姆王 阿瑞托斯被一矛刺中内脏;奥默顿把阿瑞托斯的盔甲当作战利品。

Automedon 和 Neoptolemus

战争后期,奥姆塞顿成为阿基里斯之子尼俄普托勒摩斯的战车驾驶员。 Deiphobus 现在面对他们的阿喀琉斯与之前面对的阿喀琉斯不同,他必须从神灵那里获得勇气。

在维吉尔的 伊尼伊德 在特洛伊被攻陷时,Automedon 也在场,他与 Neoptolemus 和 Periphas 并肩作战,进入了普里阿姆国王的宫殿。 不过,关于 Automedon 的其他信息就不多说了。

See_also: 希腊神话中的伊克西翁

Nerk Pirtz

Nerk Pirtz is a passionate writer and researcher with a deep fascination for Greek mythology. Born and raised in Athens, Greece, Nerk's childhood was filled with tales of gods, heroes, and ancient legends. From a young age, Nerk was captivated by the power and splendor of these stories, and this enthusiasm grew stronger over the years.After completing a degree in Classical Studies, Nerk dedicated themselves to exploring the depths of Greek mythology. Their insatiable curiosity led them on countless quests through ancient texts, archaeological sites, and historical records. Nerk traveled extensively across Greece, venturing into remote corners to uncover forgotten myths and untold stories.Nerk's expertise is not just limited to the Greek pantheon; they have also delved into the interconnections between Greek mythology and other ancient civilizations. Their thorough research and in-depth knowledge have bestowed them with a unique perspective on the subject, illuminating lesser-known aspects and shedding new light on well-known tales.As a seasoned writer, Nerk Pirtz aims to share their profound understanding and love for Greek mythology with a global audience. They believe that these ancient tales are not mere folklore but timeless narratives that reflect humanity's eternal struggles, desires, and dreams. Through their blog, Wiki Greek Mythology, Nerk aims to bridge the gapbetween the ancient world and the modern reader, making the mythical realms accessible to all.Nerk Pirtz is not only a prolific writer but also a captivating storyteller. Their narratives are rich in detail, vividly bringing the gods, goddesses, and heroes to life. With each article, Nerk invites readers on an extraordinary journey, allowing them to immerse themselves in the enchanting world of Greek mythology.Nerk Pirtz's blog, Wiki Greek Mythology, serves as a valuable resource for scholars, students, and enthusiasts alike, offering a comprehensive and reliable guide to the fascinating world of Greek gods. In addition to their blog, Nerk has also authored several books, sharing their expertise and passion in printed form. Whether through their writing or public speaking engagements, Nerk continues to inspire, educate, and captivate audiences with their unrivaled knowledge of Greek mythology.