
Nerk Pirtz 04-08-2023
Nerk Pirtz




赫拉克勒斯是希腊神话中最伟大的英雄。 宙斯 阿尔克墨涅 赫拉克勒斯的神话与希腊神话中的许多其他故事交织在一起,因此,赫拉克勒斯生平的时间顺序非常混乱,几乎不可能将所有神话统一起来。


赫拉克勒斯的故事虽然出自珀尔修斯的家族,但却不是从迈锡尼或提林斯开始的。 珀尔修斯 而不是从底比斯开始。

在这里,珀尔修斯的孙女阿尔克墨涅通过 Electryon 和珀尔修斯的孙子安菲特律翁,由 阿尔卡厄斯 在伊莱克里昂死后,他找到了避难所。


前一天 Amphitryon 宙斯征战归来,来到 底比斯 宙斯被阿尔克墨涅的美貌所吸引,伪装成安菲特律翁,与阿尔克墨涅上了床。 这当然导致了阿尔克墨涅怀孕,也导致了安菲特律翁在得知他已于前一天返回时非常困惑。

安菲特律翁和阿尔克墨涅在咨询预言家时,会发现事情的真相 提瑞西阿斯 .


当阿尔克墨涅临近分娩时,宙斯宣布,在指定的日期,其中的一个 珀尔修斯家族 一个注定要统治世界的男孩将诞生。

赫拉因此发现她的丈夫又一次不忠了,于是 赫拉 赫拉会让宙斯保证,他的公告不能更改。


See_also: 希腊神话中的伊瑞曼提亚野猪

尼基佩的妻子 Sthenelus 于是,欧律斯透斯成为珀尔修斯家族的统治者。

赫拉克勒斯在第二天出生,而他同父异母的弟弟,阿尔克墨涅和安菲特律翁的儿子伊菲克勒斯则在后天出生。 他同父异母的妹妹拉奥诺梅随后也出生了。




宙斯一直密切关注着他的儿子,而雅典娜则在一旁救他。 雅典娜把刚出生的男孩抱到了 奥林匹斯山 赫拉开始给新生儿喂奶,但当赫拉克勒斯吮吸得太用力时,一股乳汁飞向整个宇宙。 银河 创建了。

See_also: 希腊神话中的金羊


银河系的诞生 - 彼得-保罗-鲁本斯(1577-1640 年) - PD-art-100


赫拉克勒斯可能就是在这个时候被命名为赫拉克勒斯的;赫拉克勒斯的意思是 "赫拉的荣耀"。 这样做是为了安抚女神。



赫拉克勒斯与蛇 - 尼科洛-德尔阿巴特(1509-1571 年) - PD-art-100

Nerk Pirtz

Nerk Pirtz is a passionate writer and researcher with a deep fascination for Greek mythology. Born and raised in Athens, Greece, Nerk's childhood was filled with tales of gods, heroes, and ancient legends. From a young age, Nerk was captivated by the power and splendor of these stories, and this enthusiasm grew stronger over the years.After completing a degree in Classical Studies, Nerk dedicated themselves to exploring the depths of Greek mythology. Their insatiable curiosity led them on countless quests through ancient texts, archaeological sites, and historical records. Nerk traveled extensively across Greece, venturing into remote corners to uncover forgotten myths and untold stories.Nerk's expertise is not just limited to the Greek pantheon; they have also delved into the interconnections between Greek mythology and other ancient civilizations. Their thorough research and in-depth knowledge have bestowed them with a unique perspective on the subject, illuminating lesser-known aspects and shedding new light on well-known tales.As a seasoned writer, Nerk Pirtz aims to share their profound understanding and love for Greek mythology with a global audience. They believe that these ancient tales are not mere folklore but timeless narratives that reflect humanity's eternal struggles, desires, and dreams. Through their blog, Wiki Greek Mythology, Nerk aims to bridge the gapbetween the ancient world and the modern reader, making the mythical realms accessible to all.Nerk Pirtz is not only a prolific writer but also a captivating storyteller. Their narratives are rich in detail, vividly bringing the gods, goddesses, and heroes to life. With each article, Nerk invites readers on an extraordinary journey, allowing them to immerse themselves in the enchanting world of Greek mythology.Nerk Pirtz's blog, Wiki Greek Mythology, serves as a valuable resource for scholars, students, and enthusiasts alike, offering a comprehensive and reliable guide to the fascinating world of Greek gods. In addition to their blog, Nerk has also authored several books, sharing their expertise and passion in printed form. Whether through their writing or public speaking engagements, Nerk continues to inspire, educate, and captivate audiences with their unrivaled knowledge of Greek mythology.